Web Application Development

“We create to connect”

Our web Application services in Delhi NCR helps you to create a better connection with your audience.

web Application services in Delhi NCR
web Application services in Delhi NCR

Web Application Development

“We create to connect”

Our web Application services in Delhi NCR helps you to create a better connection with your audience.

Web App vs Website –
Is There a Difference?

When you can access software from your browser it is a known web application. some good examples of web applications are google spreadsheet, google words, online photo and video editors. Where a Website is a collection of related web pages which contain images, video and written content where you can’t perform any major function like video/photo editing or creating online documents.

Web App vs Website – Is There a Difference?

When you can access software from your browser it is a known web application. some good examples of web applications are google spreadsheet, google words, online photo and video editors. Where a Website is a collection of related web pages which contain images, video and written content where you can’t perform any major function like video/photo editing or creating online documents.

About Web Application Services in Delhi NCR

We provide a fully functional web application for your business.  if you want to create a strong online presence for your business then our full-stack web application development service is best for your business, it takes you one step ahead of your competitors.

Types of Web Applications

1. Static Web Application

The static web application is the one that directly delivers it to the user’s browsers without fetching NY it from the server. This type of web pp re simple to make compared to other types of web p, with our web application services in Delhi NCR, you can easily get web application for your business.

2. Dynamic Web Application

This web application is a more complex comparison of the web application mentioned above which is a static web application. In dynamic applications have to hold a database or forum with the ability to update and change the available data this required CMS or content management system. Generally, Content Management systems go long with dynamic web applications so that users can change or update data in the database.

3. E-commerce apps

This web application is the most used and common. everyone knows bout this web application. It provides you future like creating store s nd doing online shopping. This web application is more complex in comprising of other two which are mention above which is static web pp and dynamic web application because it required features of both of the above mention web application including a way to receive payments.

4. Portal Web Apps

A Portal web application is an interactive tool that connects both related and unrelated data. The portal application provides data in an easily understandable format which and communicates with companies and users regarding that data. With our Web Application development services in Delhi NCR, you can easily get your portal web application.


5. CMS Web Apps

We have already talked about this above let’s see in detail what CMS or Content mange meant system is about. It is needed for accessing and updating the data if you need your data to be updated and changed regularly then you need  CMS or content mange meant system. Here, are some most popular CMS or Content Management System which is WordPress and Joomla.

Our Web Application Development Process

1. Define and Plan

The first step while creating n Web application is to define its work and do market research for it. after that, we create a plan for the web application and set our goals for it. Setting up goals helps in working effectively and efficiently.

2. Design and Build

After having a proper plan for the Web application now we start designing its UI and UX with the help of our professionals while keep all the major key points in mind. then we start developing it from the scratch.

3. Testing

After creating designing and building process get completed then comes to the testing and implementing step, where we test the Web application on different parameters like functioning, user interface, user experience nd many others.

4. Host and Maintain

When the testing process is done then we need to live the web application so that our users can use it. For making our web application live we need hosting services. But our work doesn't end here only we need to update it on a regular basis.

Frequently sked questions.

MRCT stands for Maynk RC Thldi, which is a digital marketing agency that provides Web Application services in Delhi NCR including other services too, Like website Designing & development, SEO services, social media marketing DNS many others.

There is no such a specific answer for that but it generally depends upon the requirement of the client but in our web application services in Delhi NCR we ensure on-time delivery. 

There is no such a specific answer for that but it generally depends upon the requirement of the client and what type of web application you need, but our web application services in Delhi NCR. 

yes, we provide our web application services in Delhi NCR as well as outside Delhi NCR.

yes, we provide ongoing support, maintenance and updates for our web application but, it differs from package to package. We offer several packages according to the needs of the clients. In our web application services, we offer a custom package for any special needs or requirements/requests.

No, we don’t provide mobile application development services. for now, we only provide web application services in Delhi NCR.

Just click on the get in touch button and fill the form nd we will connect with you very soon. Our web application services in Delhi NCR are the best.